Loan Repayment Calculator Use this calculator to work out the approximate monthly repayments you will need to make on a personal loan or mortgage. |
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Compound Interest on Savings Use this calculator to work out the approximate interest accumulated on a compound interest savings account. |
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Debtor Days Calculator This calculation shows the average number of days it takes a company to receive payment from its debtors, the lower figure the better. A high figure suggests inefficiency or potential bad debts. |
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ROCE Calculator (Return on Capital Employed) A measure of the returns that a company is making from its capital. Calculated as profit before interest, tax and dividends, divided by the difference between total assets and current liabilities. The ratio shows how efficiently capital is being used to generate revenue. |
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Mortgage Repayment Calculator Use this calculator to work out the approximate monthly repayments you will need to make on a mortgage. |
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Savings calculator Enter the details of your savings and press the calculate. |
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Millionaire calculator Enter the details of your savings and press calculate to see how long it will take you to become a millionaire. |
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More profit calculator Enter the figures from your last accounts, or your estimated projections, to see how you could make more profit. |
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VAT calculator Calculate the standard rated VAT that has been paid or will be paid on amounts entered. |
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